Smart Home Automation

A smart home system is an advanced home automation system that allows homeowners to control and monitor appliances / devices in their homes locally or remotely from smart mobile devices such as Mobile phones, tablets, smart watches and computers.

Examples of some of the devices that can be controlled and monitored in a smart home system are thermostats for climate control, lighting, multimedia devices (televisions, home theater system with surround sound) , curtains / windows, doors, refrigerators etc.

Modern smart home systems can be configured to inform you who enters your residence by sending “push” notifications to your mobile device. The control and monitoring systems offered by a smart home system creates benefits such as low energy consumption which in turn results in cost savings. A smart home system intelligently creates an optimised, secure, environment inside your home.

Our team of experts will design and conceptualize a custom smart home system for your smart home or office. We also procure, install and service multi brand smart home system electronic parts such as:

Computer System and Electronic Gadgets

Our computer systems and electronic gadgets department deals with supplying quality and reliable multi brand smart phones, tablets, computer systems and accessories for personal and office use.

Some of the products we sell and service are:

1. Apple Macbook/ iPad / iPhone / watch / airpods and accessories
2. Samsung and other multi brand android OS Tablets, phones, smart watches
3. Lenovo / Dell/ HP and other multi brand Windows OS Laptops and tablets
4. Network routers and switches e.g Cisco routers and switches, Linksys, D-link etc
5. Servers e.g Dell, HP, Lenovo servers
6. Printers and scanners.
7. Portable and foldable Solar panel Mobile and Laptop chargers
8. Solar backpacks

We are able to supply all the above items and more in small, medium or large quantities for your personal and corporate needs. All our products are covered by the CONPRIS promise of quality.

Smart Robot Automatic
Windows and floor cleaners

Smart Refrigerators

Smart Heating Ventilation
and Air Conditioning (HVAC) control system